Basic Listing: $15.00 for 12 months A basic listing includes your company name, address and one telephone number. See example Enhanced Listing: $75.00 for 12 months An enhanced listing includes your company name, address, telephone numbers, fax numbers, email addresses. As well as priority listing in bold print towards the top of the page under your category. See example You will also have your own web page with your full contact details and up to 100 words to best describe your business or service. See example Here are some answers to commonly asked questions about why businesses (such as yours) should advertise on the Internet: Q.
What are the advantages of internet advertising?
What if I don't have a computer? Can I still have a web page?
What's the best way to get started?
Why is Internet Advertising So Cost Effective?
How Many People are using the Internet to Look for Goods & Services?
What is the purpose of this directory?
What if we do not have your business category listed?
Why Should I choose the Sydney Internet Business Directory?
Why Couldn’t I do it Myself?
What can I include on my Web pages?
Our business already has a web site. Why should we advertise with SIDB?
Q. What are the advantages of internet advertising?A web page can explain in great detail your products or services, show a map to your business location, advertise a promotion, talk about what's new at your store or business, show pictures and logos, or simply list the address, phone number and hours of your business. Anything you can do with the most expensive Color Brochure, you can do on your Web Page at a fraction of the cost. You can have pictures, graphic designs, text in various fonts and sizes, testimonial quotes, price tables, accessory tables, listings of your qualifications and awards, anything. For less cost than a small advert in a local newspaper you could be advertising your Business 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to the whole country. Advertising in any form of printed publication isn't cheap, and you find yourself always limited by space, there's just never enough room to say what you need to say to get the full message across to your potential clients, and of course, there's usually an advert for your competitors right there on the same page as you! Then along came the Internet... 24 hours a day, 7 days a week advertising to the widest possible audience you could imagine. Q. Why do I need a Web Page?Every day thousands of people look for information about products and services on the World Wide Web. Only the businesses that have a web page can take advantage of these customers. When someone wants more information about your company and your products they can look at your web pages. They can do this any time of the day! Let's face it, as business owners we have to advertise and why not advertise your business in a place that operates 24 hours a day year-round. YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU DON'T ADVERTISE ............. NOTHING!
Q. What if I don't have a computer? Can I still have a web page?You don't need a computer to have a web page advertisement. Sydney Internet Business Directory will design, construct, maintain and host your advertisement on our Internet Service Provider computers. Advertisements are available to all users of the Internet - 24 hours a day! Q. What's the best way to get started?Many businesses find that the best way to start is with a BASIC WEB PAGE, with one or more pages to publicize their products or services. While the Internet has enjoyed enormous growth over recent years, one important aspect has been completely overlooked - the specific needs of small business. Research suggests that all the so-called "e-commerce" solutions for small business are not only over-priced but complete overkill. Why spend hundreds even thousands of dollars when we can get you started on the Internet for as little as $75.00 for a full 12 month listing. Q. Why is Internet Advertising So Cost Effective?With Internet advertising there are o paper or printing costs. Web Pages are designed and delivered on a computer screen. The user can press the Print Button if he wishes, to create a "hard copy" of your message. With Internet advertising there are No Delivery or Postage costs, No Long Distance Calls Contents Can be Changed at Any Time. Changing Prices? New Products? Discontinued Products? Special Limited-Time Promotions? No Problem! Change the screen today, and your customers and prospects see your new contents tomorrow! No brochures or catalogues to scrap, and reprint. Once your Web Page is up, it’s up! It delivers your message 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Q. How Many People are using the Internet to Look for Goods & Services?A. Estimates are as high as 100 million people worldwide, and the numbers are growing all the time. Our point of view is this: We are all being forced onto the Internet. We will all be on-line users eventually, it’s just a matter of time. If for no other reason, all businesses and professional practices will have Web Pages eventually, just to stay competitive. As more and more consumers venture online, businesses will be 'forced' to have a web presence no matter how basic. The Sydney Internet Business Directory can help you get started NOW. Q. What is the purpose of this directory?The Sydney Internet Business Directory was developed to provide the power of Internet advertising to the local small business community of Sydney Australia. Our goal is to provide World Wide Web Internet advertising to every member of the local business community at an affordable price. Sydney Internet Business Directory is proudly promoting the products and services of LOCAL small businesses. Q. What if we do not have your business category listed?If you can't find the category you need, we will be happy to consider adding a new category. Q. Why Should I choose the Sydney Internet Business Directory?While there are hundreds of design companies providing Internet services, many of these are only interested in dealing with businesses that are prepared to invest thousands of dollars to develop a Web Site. Unfortunately many of these very same companies aren't prepared to provide a cost effective service to smaller localised businesses. The Sydney Internet Business Directory aims to fill this void. We offer a truly "cost effective" alternative for small businesses. Our prices start at only $75.00 for an advertisement that will run for a whole year. By using our services the only costs your business will face when establishing a web presence will be one low upfront fee. Q. Why Couldn’t I do it Myself?Because most small businesses do not have the time or inclination to sit down and go through a complicated learning process. Just as many small business owners prefer to have an accountant do the end of year tax returns. Although they could easily do their own returns, they just don't want to waste their time doing something they know their account will do better for them. We believe the same applies to creating and maintaining an Internet Web presence. Business owners much prefer to hand everything over to someone who knows what they’re doing and let them sort it all out. And you can concentrate on doing what you do best - Running your business. Q. What can I include on my Web pages?You van include all the things that you could not afford to include in traditional forms of advertising. Here are a few suggestions.
If we take for example a local restaurant, the Web Pages "could" contain details of their menu, pricing, special events, special services, customer testimonials, and so on. See example Q. Our business already has a web site. Why should we advertise with SIDBBy advertising with the Local Sydney Internet Business Directory your customers will no longer need to waste time in Search Engines or Large National Directories trying to sift through the fragmented links just to find a specific site that "might" fulfill their needs. Let's face it, why on earth would someone want to use a major search engine or directory to locate a business within their own community. When they can use a Local Directory to quickly narrow down their search to their own area. By advertising on the Sydney Internet Business Directory you will improve your community exposure and drive extra Internet traffic to your own site. We can supply a direct link from your advertisement in our directory to your own web site. Businesses within the Sydney Internet Business Directory network will have more potential for attracting visitors than if they relied on their own promotional efforts.
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